When should I see a urologist?

There are a lot of good reasons to see a urologist, and many situations in which a urologist can help a man. Sadly, a lot of men are determined to prove how “manly” they are by ignoring key symptoms that … Continue reading

Do urologists treat erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is probably one of the most worrisome and stressful things any man can experience. Your sense of virility, of attractiveness, of health, and even your very sense of being male can all be affected, and that … Continue reading

How can a urologist help me?

Urology is probably one of the most confusing branches of medicine to the layman. If someone thinks of a urologist at all, they may have a vague association with vasectomies, but urology isn’t like dentistry. What a dentist does is … Continue reading

How to Deal with Urinary Incontinence and Other Urology Problems

Many women experience some sort of bladder problem throughout their life. Some experience urinary tract infections and some experience more painful and embarrassing problems. Urinary incontinence is one of these more embarrassing problems. Often women do not want to admit … Continue reading