Do Vasectomies Hurt?

You’ve had all the children you want to, and you know that men continue to produce semen and sperm throughout their lifetime. Charlie Chaplin fathered a child in his seventies! But that’s not you. You want to relax and spend the rest of your life having fun without the risk of another unexpected pregnancy, but you married the woman you’re with so that you didn’t have to mess around with condoms and other forms of birth control. So now you’re considering a vasectomy. And the big question on your mind is, is this going to hurt?

When a vasectomy is performed, a small incision is made in the man’s scrotum. Your Las Vegas vasectomy doctor goes in and severs the vas deferens, the glands that run from the testicles, where semen is produced, to the urethra, where semen and urine are passed from the body. Once the vas deferens are severed, they are either clipped or cauterized at both ends to prevent semen from being able to get from the testicles to the urethra and thus out of the body. The incision is then sealed, completing the procedure.

Vasectomies are relatively simple procedures; in many cases, they can even be performed laproscopically to minimize the invasiveness of the surgery. However, because of the nature of the area in which the surgery is performed and the large number of nerve endings in the human groin, many men do report some discomfort after the procedure. Painkillers are generally prescribed to help men cope with post-operative discomfort, which some men describe as being akin to being kicked in the groin.

When you’re done having children and the idea of condoms or other messy forms of birth control don’t appeal to you, vasectomies are a safe and proven method of birth control. Vasectomy enjoys a success rate that no other form of birth control can match, but it isn’t absolutely foolproof. Be sure that you do your homework and understand all the options and the risks involved with a vasectomy or any other form of surgery before you commit to a vasectomy.

These days, Las Vegas vasectomies can be performed with a higher success rate, more safely, and with less downtime after the procedure than ever before. When it’s time for you to settle back and enjoy life without having to worry about an unplanned pregnancy without the fuss and hassle of traditional birth control, don’t put yourself in the hands of just any doctor. Make sure you have a board-certified urologist who you can have confidence in!

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