Surprising Causes of ED: Your Partner Befriending Your Buddies

Have you ever felt less than thrilled about your wife or partner hanging out with your buddies without you? Research suggests that it might not be all in your head; a recent study found that men whose partners got too close to their friends were 92% more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction.

two guys and a girl

You know what they say, “two’s company, three’s a crowd.”

The phenomenon is called “partner betweenness” and refers to the scenario when your partner becomes closer to your friends than you are. The study found that even in young, healthy men, there was a much higher occurrence of erectile dysfunction in the group experiencing partner betweenness. While these findings do have some interesting implications, it is not yet clear whether the link is physical or completely phsychological. To learn more about causes of erectile dysfunction, or for general urology information, contact the office of Dr. Michael S. Kaplan at (702) 454-6226.

Main photo credit: WarzauWynn via photopin cc

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