Study Suggests that the Female Body Affects the Male Brain like a Drug

Men like big butts and they cannot lie – at least not when it comes to their brain scans. A recent study has scientifically confirmed what we’ve always known to be true; men are attracted to a certain waist to waist to hip ratio.

girl wearing shorts from behind

Strictly in the name of science…

While this may not seem like anything new, the study showed that seeing a curvacious female body shape actually triggers the same areas in the brain that are associated with alcohol or tobacco use. The study included 14 men around the age of 25, and showed them  before and after photos of women who had had cosmetic surgery to their behind. All of the photos only showed procedures that redistributed body fat (i.e. harvested fat from one area and relocated it to the rear) but did not change the overall body mass index. Time and time again, the post-procedure photos affected the same areas of the brain.

These findings are still new, but offer scientific explanations of things like infidelity, erectile dysfunction, and the consumption of pornography. If you are looking for more information on erectile dysfunction in Las Vegas, contact Dr. Michael S. Kaplan at (702) 454- 6226.

photo credit: The Colby Files via photopin cc


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