What Every Man Should Know About…Finasterade

Finasterade is an enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) used to treat hair loss, enlarged prostates, and sometimes used in hormone replacement therapy.  It can be found in the drugs Proscar and Propecia taken for male pattern baldness.

The side effects of finasterade include:

  • masking detection for prostate cancer
  • anxiety and depression
  • gynecomastia (abnormal development of large mammary glands) leading to male breast cancer
  • sexual side effects:  erectile dysfunction (ED), abnormal ejaculation, testicular pain, etc.

Recent studies at George Washington University have proven the side effects of taking drugs containing finasterade may continue months to even years after stopping the use of the drug.  From the research, 96% of the men (none of whom had prior sexual, medical, nor psychiatric issues) that discontinued the use of the drug had reoccurring side effects lasting more than a year.

Leading the research, Dr. Michael S. Irwig discusses case in the video below.


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