Tips from a Urologist: TV Could Be Killing Your Sperm Count

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Could this be lowering your sperm count?

If you’ve been experiencing infertility issues, the culprit could be your T.V. A recent study determined that healthy young males that watched television in excess of 20 hours each week showed more than 40 percent lower sperm counts than men who spent less time in front of the tube.

Men in the same age range of 18 to 22 that reported participating in moderate exercise for at least 15 hours a week were found to have more than a 70 percent higher sperm count compared to their less active counterparts. Men from the first group reported exercising less than 5 hours a week, opting to catch up on their favorite TV series instead.

The study suggests that less T.V. and more exercise may increase sperm count, but it’s also worth seeing your urologist to rule out more serious conditions. For more information, or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Michael S. Kaplan at (702) 454-6226.

How much TV do you watch in a week? Share your thoughts below.

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