Benefits of Having Only One Child

Many people think the American dream includes 2.5 children behind their white picket fence, with a dog and the perfect lawn, but this does not go for everybody.  More and more families are considering having fewer children for various reasons.

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Photo by Ajsmen91

Having one child means less expenses.  This will not only benefit your wallet, but it will also be great for your only child.  Although you will not want to over spoil your child since it could affect them negatively in the future, you want to be able to provide for them.  Having only one child means you could actually afford to send them to the private college of their dreams versus needing to send your children to state school.  There is the happy medium between spoiling your children and giving them the bare minimum. With only one child to fend for it will be easier to meet these expectations.

It is more likely that there will be less stress if you only have one child.  Sure, your one child could be a troublemaker, but it is less of a chance than if you were to have three or four children instead.  And you only have to worry about one sporting event or one dance recital instead of figuring out how to make it to three events when they all just happen to be occurring at the same time.

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Photo by Kelly Martin

As selfish as it may sound, one child also means more time for you.  Instead of needing to wait for more than one child to grow up and move out of the house, you only have to worry about one.  An ED doctor can help you when it comes to determining how many children you wish to have and what is fiscally best for your family.  Options are available for spouses so you do not have to be concerned about accidentally conceiving and ending up in a sticky situation.  For some couples one child simply is enough and that is just fine.

If you are concerned that your only child may be socially awkward this is a myth.  Even if you have six children, there is no guarantee that they will be social butterflies.  The key is to bring them up in a good home and make sure your children stay active at extra curricular activities.  Make friends with mutual parents as well and ensure that you children have ample play dates.  This will determine their social abilities more than a sibling.

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