7 Foods to Boost Sperm Quality

sperm and egg

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For some men, virility and ability to be fruitful are key component in feeling masculine. There are several foods that will boost the quality of a man’s sperm. This means that a man’s diet can provide a considerable change in not only the density of sperm, but also the mobility.

1. Foods rich in Vitamin A are essential for improving male virility. This includes foods like carrots, red peppers and dried apricots. Oatmeal, dark green lettuce, broccoli and dairy may also include a healthy dose of the vitamin.

2. Men should be taking in a high dosage of Vitamin C. Vitamin C influences sperm movement and speed. These foods include sweet potatoes, yellow vegetables and fruits.

3. Zinc can boost testosterone levels and increase sperm production. Men can find high quantities of zinc in turkey meat, beef, eggs, yogurt, corn, seafood and oatmeal.

4. While folic acid is often seen as something only women need, men can benefit as well. Folic acid helps to create strong, healthy sperm. You can find folic acid in avocados, beans and whole grain foods.

5. Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, sardines and walnuts can increase a man’s sexual functioning. These acids improve the flow of blood to the penis and lowers cholesterol. Overall, it is just a healthy supplement for your body.

6. This one works for both men and women. Certain foods are considered aphrodisiacs that can boost the libido. Oysters are well-known aphrodisiacs as a result of the amino acids they contain. Chocolate is another aphrodisiac. Some people choose to use maca plant extract to give themselves a boost, while others might incorporate more bananas into their diets.

7. Asparagus is a great food for men to eat because it helps to rid your body of harmful substances. Asparagus contains Vitamin C and works as an oxidative.

For more information on urology and men’s health issues, contact Dr. Michael S. Kaplan at (702) 454-6226.

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